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Critical Edition of Antiphon c5016

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CAO-G CAO-E CAO-F: Stans beata Agatha in medio carceris
CAO-D: Sans beata Agathes in medio carceris
CAO-G CAO-D CAO-F: expansis manibus
CAO-E: expassis manibus
CAO-G CAO-E: tota mente collaudabat dominum
CAO-D CAO-F: tota mente orabat ad dominum
CAO-G CAO-D CAO-F: domine Jesu Christe magister bone gratias ago tibi
CAO-E: domine rex omnipotens
qui me fecisti vincere tormenta carnificum iube me domine ad tuam immarcescibilem gloriam feliciter pervenire