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Critical Edition of Antiphon c2011

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A.CAO-C CAO-G CAO-B CAO-E CAO-M CAO-V CAO-H CAO-R CAO-D CAO-F CAO-S CAO-L: Cum inducerent puerum Jesum parentes eius
CAO-C CAO-B CAO-E CAO-M CAO-V CAO-H CAO-R CAO-D CAO-F CAO-S CAO-L: accepit eum Simeon in ulnas suas
CAO-G: accepit eum puerum in ulnas suas
CAO-C CAO-G CAO-B CAO-E CAO-V CAO-H CAO-R CAO-F CAO-L: et benedixit deum dicens
CAO-S: et benedixit deum dixit
CAO-M CAO-D: et benedixit eum
dicens nunc dimittis domine servum tuum in pace